A really thoughtful friend sends me this quotation just a few days ago:
“Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather than a beautiful reminder of how strong true love can be”
Hmmm…pertama kali membacanya dada rasanya berkecamuk (ini bahasanya novel ya.. bahasa awamnya mungkin deg-degan).
Begitu dapet contekan, langsung copy paste di status msn messenger dan nudge suami.
Tanggapannya? ………………………………….
“Touchy, bun..I like it..”
Sama, ayah, I love it too..I think it reflects us a lot.
**the credit goes to Mrs Wiratsari Pinastika Surowidjojo who has thoughtfully sending us the love line..muah..love u dear**
Sama, ayah, I love it too..I think it reflects us a lot.
**the credit goes to Mrs Wiratsari Pinastika Surowidjojo who has thoughtfully sending us the love line..muah..love u dear**
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