One year ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named:
Nathanael Ferrel Matthew,
who currently just turned one year old.
The celebration was a blast.
The candle was lit and we blew it out with a big grin in our faces.
Happy as can be.
The crowd sang happy happy happy birthday,
The celebration was a blast.
The candle was lit and we blew it out with a big grin in our faces.
Happy as can be.
The crowd sang happy happy happy birthday,
wish us well and pray for the best years to come.
My son, hug me closely in his arm,
was without a doubt:
(our little) Prince of the day
was without a doubt:
(our little) Prince of the day
Happy birthday ya nak..
Ayah bunda selalu berdoa semoga Tuhan senantiasa berkenan memberikan kasih karuniaNya
Yang terbaik untukmu
dan untuk kita semua..

Met Ulang tahun dd Ferrel..
semoga sehat selalu ya :)
Salam dari kk Aisyah
Makasih ya kakak Aisyah...
Halo Ferrel..
selamat ulang tahun lagi yaa..
semoga cepet besar, tambah pinter dan jadi kebanggaan ayah dan bunda yaa...
makasih coklat kit kat-nya.. (walaupun akyu nggak dapet tas lucunyaa.. :)) )
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