Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Let’s get to the Gym

Weight obsessed, I went straight to gym.


After several muscle-forming, kick-ass running, and laborious sit-ups..the hard work is at last, paid off: 2 kilos of unneccessary fat is vanished. Gone.
**Gleg, wait a minute lady, 5 more kilos to go**

*Sigh* (Berjanji dalam hati)
Next pregnancy: eat healthy, proportionally and..Wisely!
Pregnancy is for sure no justification to crave madly.

Nge-gym lagi yukkk..


Bubu Raska said...

wah hebat..plok plok...sudah turun 2 kilo! at least, you need to lose 5 more kilos while me..hmm lemme think, one..two..three..yup, i still need to lose 7 more kilos...hiks! My laut deh kayaknya huhu!

Maria Irma Yunita said...


Tetap semangat
Iya nih Namarina apa kabar?
Jaman sama gue loe rajin, kok sekarang jadi pemalas kaliber tinggi?